Meet our Team of Dedicated Professionals
At RIOHC, we believe in the power of collaboration and focused efforts to improve oral health in our community. Our coalition consists of dedicated professionals, experts, and stakeholders, all working together towards a common goal - promoting better oral health for all.
To learn more about each subcommittee's specific activities and how you can participate, please email info@riohc.org
Chair: Vacant
Chair: Carleen Signore, RDH, PHDH
Chair: Libby Swan
Ad Hoc Committies
Safety Net: Dr. Rayani and Kathy Keable
- Preventive Modalities: Vacant
Policy: Elena Nicolella and Melissa Campbell
Workforce: Melissa Campbell and Elena Nicolella
Jasmine Franco, M.S
RIDOH Oral Health Program Manager
Samuel Zwetchkenbaum, DDS, MPH
RIDOH Dental Director, Oral Health Program
Fotini M. Dionisopoulos, D.M.D.
Rhode Island Dental Association, President-Elect
Ashley Soares, CDA, RDH
Rhode Island Dental Hygienists’ Association -President
Joanne Wilbur, CDA
Rhode Island Dental Assistants’ Association – President
Megan Daniel
Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island -
Executive Director, mdaniel@prcri.org
Sadie DeCourcy
Center for Professional Boards and Licensing -
Deputy Chief, Sadie.DeCourcy@health.ri.gov
Stacy Paterno, EVP
Rhode Island Medical Society – Executive Vice President
Sandra Maliangos, PT, DPT
CareLink - Board-Certified Specialist in Geriatric
Physical Therapy, SMaliangos@carelinkri.org
Tara Pratt
Comprehensive Community Action Program – Dental Manager
Michelle Muscatello
Delta Dental of Rhode Island - Vice President Communications
and External Affairs, mmuscatello@dentaldentalri.com
Dr. Maryam Rayani, DMD
Marie Jones-Bridges, CDA, PHDH, BS, FADHA
United Healthcare - RI Community Based Coordinator
Chris Gadbois, DNP, RN-BS, PHNA-BC
RI Public Health Association - Immediate Past President
2024-2025 Advisory Board
Wellone primary Medical and Dental Care -
Dental Director, mrayani@welloneri.org